Blutmai riots


During the first days of May we will be re-enacting an infamous riot that took place in RL Berlin 1929.

In this blog post you will find information about what is going to happen in our sim and the historical background to the real riots.

If you’re a veteran of these riots, please read the post again as we’re doing a few things differently this year!

blutmai poster kpd may

The 1929 Berlin riots in our Sim

We will try and recreate the real 1929 riots as realistically as we can within the limited options SL offers us.
Our sim is not like the Wild West, we are not a combat sim, so please make sure you know the projects rules and understand them before you take part in the madness of May 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

On May 1st at around 2PM SLT German Communists and sympathizers will gather outside the KPD HQ in the narrow Mieze Gasse, a side street of Friedrichstrasse.
There are rumours that the mayor has given permission for the march, other people may have heard that there is no permission but that the police said they wouldn’t stop the people… but the truth is that the ban on large public gatherings in the open air is still in effect and the police has been ordered to use brute force to stop any groups gathering.
Some of the people walking on the streets today will be hardcore communists, intent on marching and ready to fight.
But some may just be socialists on their way to legal indoor gatherings or innocent bystanders coming to see what is going on and kids just looking for adventure.

This year the route the march will take will be unknown to all except the KPD leadership, so the police will not know anything about it and although prepared for riots, they will not know where the march will go and will have to improvise.

The march will take longer because of this new situation and the marchers will also not know when or where to expect the police appearing to try and break them up.

The protestors will be upset, stones and bottles will be thrown and then a shot sounds…
It is unclear who shoots first, but chaos will follow!

We have added 2 more goals to the riots to give people something to do besides fighting but to also give the protestors a way to achieve small victories in a battle they will eventually lose.

Goal 1: Raise a red flag on a prominent Berlin building, it has to be a big flag and you have to find a way onto the building, so no teleporting or cheating, you’ll have to climb, use ladders, etc.
The police will try and take it down, so defend it.
But the commies decide which building to go for, so the police won’t know till they see the flag waving.

Goal 2: The Police has been spying on the KPD for years and have archives full of information on KPD members, such as names, aliases, addresses, safehouses, etc.
Now that the riot is happening this information has become extra dangerous for the rioters.
When the riots start the police will put all these papers in crates to perhaps move them out of the police station when things get out of hand.
The KPD has to destroy these crates.
You will easily recognise them and although police can carry them away, they can’t keep them in their inventory too long, they have to put them down somewhere.
Find them!

The KPD also had a crate full of documents, this is their membership administration, names and addresses that may not fall into the hands of the police.
The crate will start at the KPD HQ but can also be moved and hidden, but may not remain in someone’s inventory.

blutmai run

On May 2nd at 2PM SLT the fighting has ended, there will be NO street battles, no combat.
The police rules the streets.
There is still a state of emergency, a curfew, people are not allowed to gather in groups of more than 2, the streets are quiet and police drive around.
They may still be looking for the KPD administration or for some of the rioters.
Today is a day for secret meetings, but these don’t have to be political.
Why not have a hush hush jazz party in your apartment?
Invite everyone, as long as they carefully sneak to your place and don’t get caught by the cops.
The cops will be searching houses, so keep an eye out for them.

On May 3rd at 2pm SLT the city has calmed down a bit, the state of emergency will be lifted at 2pm.
A good day to visit friends, maybe at the hospital.
If you’ve been wounded during the riots you can try and sneak to the hospital yourself for some first aid, just hope the police isn’t keeping an eye on it.

For these three days all other events will be cancelled, police and protesters will play a cat and mouse game, houses can be searched, Berlin is a city of fear.

What to do

First you choose a side, do you want to be a protestor, part of the law enforcement side, a medic or simply a bystander.
Keep in mind that you can’t just pretend to be a soldier, nurse or police officer, you’ll have to sign up, invest in an uniform, weapon, etc.

If you choose to be a rioter, remember that you are NOT allowed to use a fire weapon unless you’ve been given permission by the KPD leadership!
During the real 1929 riots there were very few guns involved besides the ones used by the police, we want to make our riots more realistic even if that means there is no balance between the two sides and it won’t be a fair fight.
We’re going for historical accuracy here.
Of course, not having a gun does not mean you can’t have a weapon.
You can use sticks, stones, knives, etc.
Being shot will teleport you back to a spot you’ve set as home.
You may want to consider setting a neutral spot in Berlin as your home for these days, if you haven’t already.

Of course this means that this year the emphasis will be more on roleplay than on combat and if you get wounded and teleported back home, it is up to you to decide if you want to run straight back to the battle or want to go to the hospital and RP getting help with your injuries.

Remember that if you choose to roleplay a brutal dramatic and very public death, it will be very difficult for your avatar to explain returning to Berlin after the riots, it may also be quite tricky to explain why you, as a high society fancy lady were seen dressed in working class clothes fighting for communism.
Just like it is also a stretch of the imagination to see your neighbour who is generally just a lazy playboy suddenly as a tough police officer.
For these reasons it is highly advisable to create an alternate avatar, an alt, just for these riots.
That way you don’t have to worry about any repercussions like losing your job, losing friends, having to go to jail and losing your home or having to live without a leg!
Of course having an alt can also be useful if you want to go have a wild party at the brothel without ruining your reputation or upsetting your wife….

blutmai arrest

Please remember that most common people  would not own guns, they would use whatever they could find to throw at the police and of course some would use knives.
There are some rather interesting weapons available on marketplace that use animations and can knock your opponent out, like the truncheon the police uses.
And those work even without rezzing permissions which your alt probably won’t have.

People who play gangster, who start shooting like crazy, who ruin roleplay, who use modern or weapons we don’t allow, risk being kicked out of the sim and even (temporarily) banned.
Again; an interesting history based roleplay event is what we have in mind, not a crazy shoot-em-up.

Another tip would be to look for wounded tattoo layers, bloody bandages or other things like that to make yourself look the part when things go wrong.
It adds to the realism and you can’t be sure you like the stuff you can get at our hospital, if there is anything at all.

Join the KPD group to communicate with the other revolutionaries.

We hope to see you here on May 1st as part of the communists, the police, the navy, the army, the medical staff or as a bystander.
Please remember that if you have not been to Berlin before, that we have a strict 1920s dress code.

blutmai officer

The REAL 1929 may riots of 1929

Demonstrations in the open air without special permission have been illegal since 1924 in Germany but this rarely caused any serious problems.
But by 1929 the political tension in Germany had heated up so much that trouble was brewing.
At the end of 1928 Adolf Hitler’s public speech ban was lifted and he had started agitating the situation in the country right away, causing even more street fighting and several deaths.
The Berlin Police President Karl Friedrich Zörgiebel then reinforced the ban on all public open air gatherings of a political nature in Berlin.
When in April 1929 the Communist Party (KPD) started calling workers to come to the May day rally, it was announced that this public gathering ban would also be valid on may the 1st.
The communists were furious and threatened to have their rally anyway.
The police started preparing for riots and street fighting, extra troops were called in. On April the 30th the KPD handed out leaflets claiming the political gathering ban had been lifted, but it was not.

There were also rumours going around the city that the police would look the other way and ignore the marchers, they would not.

On May 1st thousands of Berliners started gathering and went on their way to the center.
For them this May day was more important then usual.
At this time the newspapers were full of the trial around the murder of revolutionary leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in 1919 and it seemed that the murderers would be very mildly punished, people were angry.
They also wanted to celebrate their 10th anniversary of the Komintern.
To add to all this, the government of Germany was led by the Social Democratic Party, a left wing party.

Having a party with who the Communists shared several ideologies but also be their oldest and perhaps biggest opponent, tell the KPD they couldn’t march was like rubbing salt into a wound. And of course the Nazi’s were growing and becoming louder and more aggressive all the time, it sometimes seemed like they were not being stopped by anyone while the Communists were not allowed to do anything.
The communists were furious, the city was tense.

blutmai police

The City Council told people that they were permitted and celebrate May Day but only indoors.
Many people did just that, having huge gatherings in halls and public buildings.
But others did not receive that information or just felt they had to right to march outside.

When the police saw large groups of people marching trough Berlin with red flags and armbands, they took action.
They attacked people with batons, used water cannons and warning shots were fired.
The Social Democrats had followed the outdoor gathering ban and had had their may day meetings indoors but unfortunately they had to go outside to go there and to return home.
After his return home from such a meeting Max Gmeinhardt was shot when he didn’t close his window fast enough when the police ordered him to.
Other groups of innocent bystanders, civilians and Socialists simply going to or returning from permitted gatherings were set upon by the police.
With now also the social democrats, workers and poor people in general becoming furious, the conflict escalated rapidly.
In the afternoon barricades were erected to make it harder for Police cars to reach certain areas.
In the evening the police started using armoured vehicles with machine guns, only meant to be used when the police was fired upon.
Police start shooting at houses with red flags.

On May 2nd the KPD called people to go on strike as a reply to the police violence.
On May 2nd and may 3rd the police combed trough the working class areas, searched houses and arrested countless people.

In total 33 demonstrators, workers and bystanders had been killed by the police, most of those on just the first day and at least 80 were seriously injured. The Berlin police, under control of the supposedly pro-labour social democratic government, had fired a total of 11,000 rounds of live ammunition.
This incident, remembered in the German language as Blutmai (“Blood May”) deepened the split between the SPD and the Communist Party, which indirectly helped the German right wing parties and the eventual rise of the Nazi Party in the German parliament.

blutmai barricade

1920s Berlin project celebrates its 14th anniversary!

1920s Berlin project celebrates its 14th anniversary!

It’s been fourteen years since our 1920s Berlin Project opened its doors to the public and that has to be celebrated.
Not many sims in SL manage to survive this long, especially not rather niche roleplaying communities like ours.

As is tradition, we’re having a week of events to celebrate our birthday and it’s going to be the Cat’s Pyjamas.

Our anniversary schedule;

  • Tuesday 30th May
    Anniversary dance under the stars on Pariser Platz with kapellmeister Myron Byron and hostess Jo Yardley, followed by fireworks.
  • Wednesday 31st May
     Bicycle Race!
    We start with a race for the kids, followed by one for the adults, bicycles will be provided, don’t bring your own.
    1st prize: L$ 2500
    2nd prize: L$ 1000
    3rd prize: L$ 500
    3pm: Fancy dinner at restaurant Kranzler, exclusively for long term tenants and supporters.
  • Thursday 1st June
    Wannsee beach party
    We meet at the Brandenburg Gate, then slowly walk to the Wannsee beach where we will dance, drink and chat by the water.
    Bring a swimsuit!
  • Friday 2nd June
     Adlon dinner & masked ball
    Put on your best fancy dress, masks will be provided!
    At midnight we remove the masks and you’ll finally learn who you’ve been dancing and flirting with all evening!
  • Saturday 3rd June
    Eldorado Anniversary Special
    With kapellmeister Myron Byron and fraulein Kelly Callahan on stage
  • Sunday 4th June
    Opening Biergarten for the season.
    After months in that dark, dingy basement bar, the evenings are finally warm enough for us to go outside into the Biergarten again!
  • Monday 5th June
    Parade! See the floats!
    1:30pm: Relaxed Rules day!
    After the official count-down at Pariser Platz, the end of the parade, we suspend our 1920s dress code for 24 hours and everyone in SL is welcome to visit our sim as they are, in modern clothes, as a non-human avatar, in whatever look they want, as long as they’re not naked, a Nazi or a naked Nazi.
    A great excuse for the regulars to bring some of their non-Berliner friends to the sim and show them around.
    Some locals will also leave their front door open, allowing visitors to see how we live.
    2-3pm: Beach blanket Berlin, DJ Holocluck Henly plays tunes at Wannsee beach.

The entire week we are also having an open house policy and tours of the sim.
Look for the signs and open front doors throughout the city, they’ll let you know which home you can go explore!

The schedule may change and events may be cancelled, altered or added to this list.
Keep an eye on posts in our Facebook group or inworld group for the latest news.

May Day Riots


During the first days of May we will be re-enacting an infamous riot that took place in RL Berlin 1929.

In this blog post you will find information about what is going to happen in our sim and the historical background to the real riots.

blutmai poster kpd may

The 1929 Berlin riots in our Sim

We will try and recreate the real 1929 riots as realistically as we can within the limited options SL offers us.
Our sim is not like the Wild West, we are not a combat sim, so please make sure you know the projects rules and understand them before you take part in the madness of May 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

On May 1st at around 2PM SLT German Communists and sympathizers will gather outside the KPD HQ in the narrow Mieze Gasse, a side street of Friedrichstrasse.
There are rumours that the mayor has given permission for the march, other people may have heard that there is no permission but that the police said they wouldn’t stop the people… but the truth is that the ban on large public gatherings in the open air is still in effect and the police has been ordered to use brute force to stop any groups gathering.
Some of the people walking on the streets today will be hardcore communists, intent on marching and ready to fight.
But some may just be socialists on their way to legal indoor gatherings or innocent bystanders coming to see what is going on and kids just looking for adventure.

The group will march to Friedrichstrasse towards Unter den Linden but when they reach the Volksbad, they will realise that the Police is not going to let them trough.
There they will be confronted by officers who have been ordered to make sure the groups of people will not reach the ‘good’ part of Berlin where all the nice houses and big shops are.

The protesters will be upset, stones and bottles will be thrown and then a shot sounds…
It is unclear who shoots first, but chaos will follow!

blutmai run

On May 2nd at 2PM SLT there is still a state of emergency, a strict curfew is in place.
People are not allowed to be outside unless they have a good reason and go out alone.
Will the communists make a plan to attack someone or a certain location?
Or will people decide they want to in stead just stay at home and perhaps run through the streets so they can have a drink and chat with their friends hiding in an attic somewhere?
The streets are empty, people are hiding, police raids houses & searches for protestors but maybe someone somewhere is having a little improvised party.

On May 3rd at 2pm SLT the police who are convinced they have control of the city again are taking the battle home to the rioters.
They kick down doors, search houses, hunting for those involved with the riots, known trouble makers or people they have an old score to settle with.

As you can see we’re having 3 events on all the 3 days of the rioting at 3 different locations.

For these three days all other events will officially be cancelled (although some places may let people in through the backdoor…), police and protesters will play a cat and mouse game, houses can be searched, Berlin is a city of fear.

The police will block off part of the city, patrol, check people and will open fire at houses with red flags and people gathering.
Please be prepared to be hassled by them, even questioned.
If you don’t want to be part of this you may have to avoid the city or at least the working class district (west of Unter Den Linden) for a few days.
Now may be a good moment to take that holiday with those friends in Tiergarten park.

Communists and other rioters will walk around with red flags and build their own barricades.
Shots will be fired, avatars may die.

For these 3 days Berlin will be in a state of emergency.
Follow police orders or face the consequences.

What to do

First you choose a side, do you want to be a protester, part of the law enforcement side, a medic or simply a bystander.
Keep in mind that you can’t just pretend to be a soldier, nurse or police officer, you’ll have to sign up, invest in an uniform, weapon, etc.

If you choose to be a rioter, remember that guns were rare!
During the real 1929 riots there were very few guns involved besides the ones used by the police, we want to make our riots more realistic even if that means there is no balance between the two sides and it won’t be a fair fight.
We’re going for historical accuracy here.
Of course, not having a gun does not mean you can’t have a weapon.
You can use sticks, stones, knives, etc.
Marketplace has many RP weapons that allow you to fight with someone, hit them with a club, stab them, etc.

We will NOT be using a HUD, in stead we’re using the old basic SL damage system.
Being shot will teleport you back to a spot you’ve set as home.
You may want to consider setting a neutral spot in Berlin as your home for these days, if you haven’t already.
Or even better and more realistic, set your home to near the hospital or a safehouse.

Of course this means that this year the emphasis will be more on roleplay than on combat and if you get wounded and teleported back home, it is up to you to decide if you want to run straight back to the battle or want to go to the hospital and RP getting help with your injuries.

Remember that if you choose to roleplay a brutal dramatic and very public death, it will be very difficult for your avatar to explain returning to Berlin after the riots, it may also be quite tricky to explain why you, as a high society fancy lady were seen dressed in working class clothes fighting for communism.
Just like it is also a stretch of the imagination to see your neighbour who is generally just a lazy playboy suddenly as a tough police officer or that fancy rich lady as a rioter.
For these reasons it is highly advisable to create an alternate avatar, an alt, just for these riots.
That way you don’t have to worry about any repercussions like losing your job, losing friends, having to go to jail and losing your home or having to live without a leg!
Of course having an alt can also be useful if you want to go have a wild party at the brothel without ruining your reputation or upsetting your wife….

blutmai arrest

People who play gangster, who start shooting like crazy, who ruin roleplay, who use modern or weapons we don’t allow, risk being kicked out of the sim and even (temporarily) banned.
Again; an interesting history based roleplay event is what we have in mind, not a crazy shoot-em-up.

Another tip would be to look for wounded tattoo layers, bloody bandages or other things like that to make yourself look the part when things go wrong.
It adds to the realism and you can’t be sure you like the stuff you can get at our hospital, if there is anything at all.

Join the KPD group to communicate with the other revolutionaries.

We hope to see you here on May 1st as part of the communists, the police, the navy, the army, the medical staff or as a bystander.
Please remember that if you have not been to Berlin before, that we have a strict 1920s dress code.

blutmai officer

The REAL 1929 may riots of 1929

Demonstrations in the open air without special permission have been illegal since 1924 in Germany but this rarely caused any serious problems.
But by 1929 the political tension in Germany had heated up so much that trouble was brewing.
At the end of 1928 Adolf Hitler’s public speech ban was lifted and he had started agitating the situation in the country right away, causing even more street fighting and several deaths.
The Berlin Police President Karl Friedrich Zörgiebel then reinforced the ban on all public open air gatherings of a political nature in Berlin.
When in April 1929 the Communist Party (KPD) started calling workers to come to the May day rally, it was announced that this public gathering ban would also be valid on may the 1st.
The communists were furious and threatened to have their rally anyway.
The police started preparing for riots and street fighting, extra troops were called in. On April the 30th the KPD handed out leaflets claiming the political gathering ban had been lifted, but it was not.

There were also rumours going around the city that the police would look the other way and ignore the marchers, they would not.

On May 1st thousands of Berliners started gathering and went on their way to the center.
For them this May day was more important then usual.
At this time the newspapers were full of the trial around the murder of revolutionary leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in 1919 and it seemed that the murderers would be very mildly punished, people were angry.
They also wanted to celebrate their 10th anniversary of the Komintern.
To add to all this, the government of Germany was led by the Social Democratic Party, a left wing party.

Having a party with who the Communists shared several ideologies but also be their oldest and perhaps biggest opponent, tell the KPD they couldn’t march was like rubbing salt into a wound. And of course the Nazi’s were growing and becoming louder and more aggressive all the time, it sometimes seemed like they were not being stopped by anyone while the Communists were not allowed to do anything.
The communists were furious, the city was tense.

blutmai police

The City Council told people that they were permitted and celebrate May Day but only indoors.
Many people did just that, having huge gatherings in halls and public buildings.
But others did not receive that information or just felt they had to right to march outside.

When the police saw large groups of people marching trough Berlin with red flags and armbands, they took action.
They attacked people with batons, used water cannons and warning shots were fired.
The Social Democrats had followed the outdoor gathering ban and had had their may day meetings indoors but unfortunately they had to go outside to go there and to return home.
After his return home from such a meeting Max Gmeinhardt was shot when he didn’t close his window fast enough when the police ordered him to.
Other groups of innocent bystanders, civilians and Socialists simply going to or returning from permitted gatherings were set upon by the police.
With now also the social democrats, workers and poor people in general becoming furious, the conflict escalated rapidly.
In the afternoon barricades were erected to make it harder for Police cars to reach certain areas.
In the evening the police started using armoured vehicles with machine guns, only meant to be used when the police was fired upon.
Police start shooting at houses with red flags.

On May 2nd the KPD called people to go on strike as a reply to the police violence.
On May 2nd and may 3rd the police combed trough the working class areas, searched houses and arrested countless people.

In total 33 demonstrators, workers and bystanders had been killed by the police, most of those on just the first day and at least 80 were seriously injured. The Berlin police, under control of the supposedly pro-labour social democratic government, had fired a total of 11,000 rounds of live ammunition.
This incident, remembered in the German language as Blutmai (“Blood May”) deepened the split between the SPD and the Communist Party, which indirectly helped the German right wing parties and the eventual rise of the Nazi Party in the German parliament.

1920s Berlin project celebrates its 13th anniversary!

1920s Berlin project celebrates its 13th anniversary!

Our 1920s Berlin Project is celebrating that it opened its doors to the public 13 years ago and also that it has been flourishing ever since!

As is tradition, we’re having a week of events to celebrate our birthday and it’s going to be the bee’s knees.

Our anniversary schedule;

  • Monday 30th May
    Anniversary dance under the stars on Pariser Platz with kapellmeister Myron Byron and hostess Jo Yardley, followed by fireworks.
  • Tuesday 31st May
     Open stage at the Volkshaus, earn tips by performing!
    Recite a poem, tell a joke, do a dance, sing, make music!
    Anyone can jump on the stage and earn some drinking-money.
  • Wednesday 1st June
    Opening Biergarten for the season.
    After months in that dark, dingy basement bar, the evenings are finally warm enough for us to go outside into the Biergarten again!
  • Thursday 2nd June
     Berlin Run!
    Footrace through Berlin, big prize for 1st 3!
    We’re having a foot-race through Berlin, start training!
    2500, 1000 and 500 L$ reward for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!
    Supporters & long term dinner at Kranzler
  • Friday 3rd June
    Adlon Anniversary dinner & Dance
  • Saturday 4th June
    Eldorado Anniversary Special
  • Sunday 5th June
    Relaxed Rules day!
    After the official count-down at 1, we suspend our 1920s dress code for 24 hours and everyone in SL is welcome to visit our sim as they are, in modern clothes, as a non-human avatar, in whatever look they want, as long as they’re not naked, a Nazi or a naked Nazi.
    A great excuse for the regulars to bring some of their non-Berliner friends to the sim and show them around.
    Some locals will also leave their front door open, allowing visitors to see how we live.
    1:30pm: Beach blanket Berlin, DJ Holocluck Henly plays tunes at Wannsee beach.
    4pm: Jive Dryke performs.

The schedule may change and events may be cancelled, altered or added to this list.
Keep an eye on posts in our Facebook group or inworld group for the latest news.

May day riots


During the first days of May we will be re-enacting an infamous riot that took place in RL Berlin 1929.

In this blog post you will find information about what is going to happen in our sim and the historical background to the real riots.

blutmai poster kpd may

The 1929 Berlin riots in our Sim

We will try and recreate the real 1929 riots as realistically as we can within the limited options SL offers us.
Our sim is not like the Wild West, we are not a combat sim, so please make sure you know the projects rules and understand them before you take part in the madness of May 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

On May 1st at around 2PM SLT German Communists and sympathizers will gather outside the KPD HQ in the narrow Mieze Gasse, a side street of Friedrichstrasse.
There are rumours that the mayor has given permission for the march, other people may have heard that there is no permission but that the police said they wouldn’t stop the people… but the truth is that the ban on large public gatherings in the open air is still in effect and the police has been ordered to use brute force to stop any groups gathering.
Some of the people walking on the streets today will be hardcore communists, intent on marching and ready to fight.
But some may just be socialists on their way to legal indoor gatherings or innocent bystanders coming to see what is going on and kids just looking for adventure.

The group will march to Friedrichstrasse towards Unter den Linden but when they reach the Volksbad, they will realise that the Police is not going to let them trough.
There they will be confronted by officers who have been ordered to make sure the groups of people will not reach the ‘good’ part of Berlin where all the nice houses and big shops are.

The protesters will be upset, stones and bottles will be thrown and then a shot sounds…
It is unclear who shoots first, but chaos will follow!

blutmai run

On May 2nd at 2PM SLT there is still a state of emergency, but because the Police now has control over Friedrichstrasse the rioters who again gather at the KPD HQ will have to make a new plan.
Will they target the Reichswehr barracks, raid the Amtshaus or try and take Friedrichstrasse back?
They’ll decide on the spot, maybe due to lack of proper leadership the plan will not work as intended and chaos will ensue!
Maybe someone will step up and lead the workers to a victory on the state!

On May 3rd at 2pm SLT the police who are convinced they have control of the city again are taking the battle home to the rioters.
They move into the streets, kick down doors, search houses, hunting for those involved with the riots, known trouble makers or people they have an old score to settle with.

As you can see we’re having 3 events on all the 3 days of the rioting at 3 different locations.

For these three days all other events will officially be cancelled (although some places may let people in through the backdoor…), police and protesters will play a cat and mouse game, houses can be searched, Berlin is a city of fear.

The police will block off part of the city, patrol, check people and will open fire at houses with red flags and people gathering.
Please be prepared to be hassled by them, even questioned.
If you don’t want to be part of this you may have to avoid the city or at least the working class district (west of Unter Den Linden) for a few days.
Now may be a good moment to take that holiday with those friends in Tiergarten park.

Communists and other rioters will walk around with red flags and build their own barricades.
Shots will be fired, avatars may die.

For these 3 days Berlin will be in a state of emergency.
Follow police orders or face the consequences.

What to do

First you choose a side, do you want to be a protester, part of the law enforcement side, a medic or simply a bystander.
Keep in mind that you can’t just pretend to be a soldier, nurse or police officer, you’ll have to sign up, invest in an uniform, weapon, etc.

If you choose to be a rioter, remember that you are NOT allowed to use a gun unless you’ve been given permission!
During the real 1929 riots there were very few guns involved besides the ones used by the police, we want to make our riots more realistic even if that means there is no balance between the two sides and it won’t be a fair fight.
We’re going for historical accuracy here.
Of course, not having a gun does not mean you can’t have a weapon.
You can use sticks, stones, knives, etc.
Marketplace has many RP weapons that allow you to fight with someone, hit them with a club, stab them, etc.

We will NOT be using a HUD, in stead we’re using the old basic SL damage system.
Being shot will teleport you back to a spot you’ve set as home.
You may want to consider setting a neutral spot in Berlin as your home for these days, if you haven’t already.
Or even better and more realistic, set your home to near the hospital.

Hopefully we can try the Linden Lab Experience based system next year!

Of course this means that this year the emphasis will be more on roleplay than on combat and if you get wounded and teleported back home, it is up to you to decide if you want to run straight back to the battle or want to go to the hospital and RP getting help with your injuries.

Remember that if you choose to roleplay a brutal dramatic and very public death, it will be very difficult for your avatar to explain returning to Berlin after the riots, it may also be quite tricky to explain why you, as a high society fancy lady were seen dressed in working class clothes fighting for communism.
Just like it is also a stretch of the imagination to see your neighbour who is generally just a lazy playboy suddenly as a tough police officer.
For these reasons it is highly advisable to create an alternate avatar, an alt, just for these riots.
That way you don’t have to worry about any repercussions like losing your job, losing friends, having to go to jail and losing your home or having to live without a leg!
Of course having an alt can also be useful if you want to go have a wild party at the brothel without ruining your reputation or upsetting your wife….

blutmai arrest

Please remember that most common people  would not own guns, they would use whatever they could find to throw at the police and of course some would use knives.
There are some rather interesting weapons available on marketplace that use animations and can knock your opponent out, like the truncheon the police uses.
And those work even without rezzing permissions which your alt probably won’t have.

People who play gangster, who start shooting like crazy, who ruin roleplay, who use modern or weapons we don’t allow, risk being kicked out of the sim and even (temporarily) banned.
Again; an interesting history based roleplay event is what we have in mind, not a crazy shoot-em-up.

Another tip would be to look for wounded tattoo layers, bloody bandages or other things like that to make yourself look the part when things go wrong.
It adds to the realism and you can’t be sure you like the stuff you can get at our hospital, if there is anything at all.

Join the KPD group to communicate with the other revolutionaries.

We hope to see you here on May 1st as part of the communists, the police, the navy, the army, the medical staff or as a bystander.
Please remember that if you have not been to Berlin before, that we have a strict 1920s dress code.

blutmai officer

The REAL 1929 may riots of 1929

Demonstrations in the open air without special permission have been illegal since 1924 in Germany but this rarely caused any serious problems.
But by 1929 the political tension in Germany had heated up so much that trouble was brewing.
At the end of 1928 Adolf Hitler’s public speech ban was lifted and he had started agitating the situation in the country right away, causing even more street fighting and several deaths.
The Berlin Police President Karl Friedrich Zörgiebel then reinforced the ban on all public open air gatherings of a political nature in Berlin.
When in April 1929 the Communist Party (KPD) started calling workers to come to the May day rally, it was announced that this public gathering ban would also be valid on may the 1st.
The communists were furious and threatened to have their rally anyway.
The police started preparing for riots and street fighting, extra troops were called in. On April the 30th the KPD handed out leaflets claiming the political gathering ban had been lifted, but it was not.

There were also rumours going around the city that the police would look the other way and ignore the marchers, they would not.

On May 1st thousands of Berliners started gathering and went on their way to the center.
For them this May day was more important then usual.
At this time the newspapers were full of the trial around the murder of revolutionary leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in 1919 and it seemed that the murderers would be very mildly punished, people were angry.
They also wanted to celebrate their 10th anniversary of the Komintern.
To add to all this, the government of Germany was led by the Social Democratic Party, a left wing party.

Having a party with who the Communists shared several ideologies but also be their oldest and perhaps biggest opponent, tell the KPD they couldn’t march was like rubbing salt into a wound. And of course the Nazi’s were growing and becoming louder and more aggressive all the time, it sometimes seemed like they were not being stopped by anyone while the Communists were not allowed to do anything.
The communists were furious, the city was tense.

blutmai police

The City Council told people that they were permitted and celebrate May Day but only indoors.
Many people did just that, having huge gatherings in halls and public buildings.
But others did not receive that information or just felt they had to right to march outside.

When the police saw large groups of people marching trough Berlin with red flags and armbands, they took action.
They attacked people with batons, used water cannons and warning shots were fired.
The Social Democrats had followed the outdoor gathering ban and had had their may day meetings indoors but unfortunately they had to go outside to go there and to return home.
After his return home from such a meeting Max Gmeinhardt was shot when he didn’t close his window fast enough when the police ordered him to.
Other groups of innocent bystanders, civilians and Socialists simply going to or returning from permitted gatherings were set upon by the police.
With now also the social democrats, workers and poor people in general becoming furious, the conflict escalated rapidly.
In the afternoon barricades were erected to make it harder for Police cars to reach certain areas.
In the evening the police started using armoured vehicles with machine guns, only meant to be used when the police was fired upon.
Police start shooting at houses with red flags.

On May 2nd the KPD called people to go on strike as a reply to the police violence.
On May 2nd and may 3rd the police combed trough the working class areas, searched houses and arrested countless people.

In total 33 demonstrators, workers and bystanders had been killed by the police, most of those on just the first day and at least 80 were seriously injured. The Berlin police, under control of the supposedly pro-labour social democratic government, had fired a total of 11,000 rounds of live ammunition.
This incident, remembered in the German language as Blutmai (“Blood May”) deepened the split between the SPD and the Communist Party, which indirectly helped the German right wing parties and the eventual rise of the Nazi Party in the German parliament.

Berlin Weihnachtsmarkt 1929


Join us for the Berlin Christmas Market on Unter Den Linden this week!

Christmas markets have been a big deal in Germany since the Middle Ages, a great way to stock up for the winter but of course also a good excuse to have a lot of fun.

If you have a shop or business in 1920s Berlin or are part of the community and are a creator you are invited to take charge of a booth, yes, the market opens tomorrow but you can still take part!
A great way to get a bit of extra publicity for what you do or maybe just to sell some stuff you make or get rid of some Gacha stuff!!
Remember though, you have to hurry, get in touch with Lotte von Weiß (lotteweiss resident) ASAP.

Here’s the week’s schedule;

Monday 13th December
• 01:00pm SLT – Market Opening
• 02:00pm SLT – Happy Hour im Weihnachtsmarkt

Tuesday 14th December
• 01:00pm SLT – Kranzler Dinner
• 03:00pm SLT –Musikkorps der Kommandatur Berlin parade

Wednesday 15th December
• 01:00pm SLT – MITROPA Tanzorchester

Thursday 16th December
• 01:00pm SLT – City Tour on Carriage by Solstead

Friday 17th December
• 02:00pm SLT – Adlon’s dinner and Santa in the Adlon by Tequila

Saturday 18th December
• 01:00pmSLT – Cocktail time at Kranzler
• 02:00pm SLT – Eldorado with Stella d’Argenti on Christmas

Sunday 19th December
• 12:00amSLT – Volksschule Hindemburg field trip to Berlin
• 01:00pm SLT – Deutsche Luft Hansa “Rund um Berlin”

Eldorado reopens!


The show must go on.
Eldorado reopens and whether there will be a stage performance or not, we step into a new era in Eldorado’s history since we lost Sonatta – the Star of Berlin.
Max will be at the piano, Myron will play some tunes, and perhaps someone will perform.
Join us for dance and drinks this Saturday, June 19th, 2pm SLT.

Hier ist richtig!

Achtung performers!

Eldorado is looking for you!
Eldorado will reopen on Saturday 19 June 2pm SLT. There will be music and good company, but will there be a stage performance?
Are You interested but you can’t perform every week?
No problem.
For now we’re looking at a rotating schedule for several performers. First of all, Sonatta set a standard how she wanted to have her shows. If you have seen her perform, this may, or may not, be what you have in mind.
We are open to ideas and suggestions.
A few things to consider…What ideas do you have?
Do you have a theme for your show?
Do you want any particular music for your performance?
Or do you prefer to perform without any theme and do your thing?
Do you want a special set built or would you prefer to perform against a more neutral background? Would you build sets?
Do you have clothes, props, and the look for your stage show?
(Keep it classy. Strip is okay but lower parts should be covered.)
Do you have a range of animations you can use?
Do you feel this could be something for you?

If you think you could perform at the Eldorado, please get in touch with Myron Byron inworld via message, or better, by sending a notecard.

1920s Berlin project celebrates its 12th anniversary!


Our 1920s Berlin Project is celebrating that it opened its doors to the public 12 years ago and also that it has been flourishing ever since!

As is tradition, we’re having a week of events to celebrate our birthday and it’s going to be the bee’s knees.

Our anniversary schedule;

  • Sunday 30th May
    2pm Anniversary dance on Pariser Platz
    Hosted by Jo Yardley and DJ Myron Byron.
  • Monday 31st May
    2pm Open stage at the Volkshaus!

    Anyone can participate with any kind of performance, jump on stage, read a poem, sing a song, do a magic trip and let the tip jar overfloweth!
  • Tuesday 1st June
    2pm Berlin Run!
    We’re having a foot-race through Berlin, so put on some good shoes.
    2500, 1000 and 500 L$ reward for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!
  • Wednesday 2nd June
    2pm Opening Biergarten!
    After it’s been shut all winter we can finally enjoy our drink, dance and chat under the stars again.
  • Thursday 3rd June
    2pm Voice Happy Hour

    Voice will be activated in the Biergarten, you don’t have to use your voice if you don’t want to of course, but it might be fun to hear what we all sound like in real life, some may even do a little (drunken) singing!
    3:30pm Supporters & Long Term tenants dinner Special dinner at Restaurant Kranzler ONLY for supporters & long term tenants. Hostess; Jo Yardley
  • Friday 4th June
    2pm Opening brand new location
    Top secret brand new location just outside the city will be revealed.
    Hostess; Charlotte Von Weiß
  • Saturday 5th June
    Noon; public parade
    Parade for and by Berliners, anyone can take part, but it has to be 1920s Berlin themed.
    Represent your workplace, your club, your sport your hobby, walk, use a vehicle, make a float, etc.
    We walk to Parisen Platz and when we arrive there we have a little celebration and then we start…
    Relaxed Rules day!
    After the official start we suspend our 1920s dresscode for 24 hours and everyone in SL is welcome to come explore our sim and join us in crazy going-ons.
    On this day we will also have Open House, which people can open their houses to anyone to visit.
    2pm there will be a beach blanket party at Wannsee lake.

The schedule may change and events may be cancelled, altered or added to this list.
Keep an eye on posts in our Facebook group or inworld group for the latest news.

Riots expected in 1920s Berlin


During the first days of May we will be re-enacting an infamous riot that took place in RL Berlin 1929.

In this blog post you will find information about what is going to happen in our sim and the historical background to the real riots.

blutmai poster kpd may

The 1929 Berlin riots in our Sim

We will try and recreate the real 1929 riots as realistically as we can within the limited options SL offers us.
Our sim is not like the Wild West, we are not a combat sim, so please make sure you know the projects rules and understand them before you take part in the madness of May 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

On May 1st at around 2PM SLT German Communists and sympathizers will gather outside the KPD HQ in the narrow Mieze Gasse, a side street of Friedrichstrasse.
There are rumours that the mayor has given permission for the march, other people may have heard that there is no permission but that the police said they wouldn’t stop the people… but the truth is that the ban on large public gatherings in the open air is still in effect and the police has been ordered to use brute force to stop any groups gathering.
Some of the people walking on the streets today will be hardcore communists, intent on marching and ready to fight.
But some may just be socialists on their way to legal indoor gatherings or innocent bystanders coming to see what is going on and kids just looking for adventure.

The group will march to Friedrichstrasse towards Unter den Linden but when they reach the Volksbad, they will realise that the Police is not going to let them trough.
There they will be confronted by officers who have been ordered to make sure the groups of people will not reach the ‘good’ part of Berlin where all the nice houses and big shops are.

The protesters will be upset, stones and bottles will be thrown and then a shot sounds…
It is unclear who shoots first, but chaos will follow!

blutmai run

On May 2nd at 2PM SLT there is still a state of emergency, but because the Police now has control over Friedrichstrasse the rioters who again gather at the KPD HQ will have to make a new plan.
Will they target the Reichswehr barracks, raid the Amtshaus or try and take Friedrichstrasse back?
They’ll decide on the spot, maybe due to lack of proper leadership the plan will not work as intended and chaos will ensue!
Maybe someone will step up and lead the workers to a victory on the state!

On May 3rd at 2pm SLT the police who are convinced they have control of the city again are taking the battle home to the rioters.
They move into the streets, kick down doors, search houses, hunting for those involved with the riots, known trouble makers or people they have an old score to settle with.

As you can see we’re having 3 events on all the 3 days of the rioting at 3 different locations.

For these three days all other events will officially be cancelled (although some places may let people in through the backdoor…), police and protesters will play a cat and mouse game, houses can be searched, Berlin is a city of fear.

The police will block off part of the city, patrol, check people and will open fire at houses with red flags and people gathering.
Please be prepared to be hassled by them, even questioned.
If you don’t want to be part of this you may have to avoid the city or at least the working class district (west of Unter Den Linden) for a few days.
Now may be a good moment to take that holiday with those friends in Tiergarten park.

Communists and other rioters will walk around with red flags and build their own barricades.
Shots will be fired, avatars may die.

For these 3 days Berlin will be in a state of emergency.
Follow police orders or face the consequences.

What to do

First you choose a side, do you want to be a protester, part of the law enforcement side, a medic or simply a bystander.
Keep in mind that you can’t just pretend to be a soldier, nurse or police officer, you’ll have to sign up, invest in an uniform, weapon, etc.

If you choose to be a rioter, remember that you are NOT allowed to use a gun unless you’ve been given permission!
During the real 1929 riots there were very few guns involved besides the ones used by the police, we want to make our riots more realistic even if that means there is no balance between the two sides and it won’t be a fair fight.
We’re going for historical accuracy here.
Of course, not having a gun does not mean you can’t have a weapon.
You can use sticks, stones, knives, etc.
Marketplace has many RP weapons that allow you to fight with someone, hit them with a club, stab them, etc.

We will NOT be using a HUD, in stead we’re using the old basic SL damage system.
Being shot will teleport you back to a spot you’ve set as home.
You may want to consider setting a neutral spot in Berlin as your home for these days, if you haven’t already.
Or even better and more realistic, set your home to near the hospital.

Hopefully we can try the Linden Lab Experience based system next year!

Of course this means that this year the emphasis will be more on roleplay than on combat and if you get wounded and teleported back home, it is up to you to decide if you want to run straight back to the battle or want to go to the hospital and RP getting help with your injuries.

Remember that if you choose to roleplay a brutal dramatic and very public death, it will be very difficult for your avatar to explain returning to Berlin after the riots, it may also be quite tricky to explain why you, as a high society fancy lady were seen dressed in working class clothes fighting for communism.
Just like it is also a stretch of the imagination to see your neighbour who is generally just a lazy playboy suddenly as a tough police officer.
For these reasons it is highly advisable to create an alternate avatar, an alt, just for these riots.
That way you don’t have to worry about any repercussions like losing your job, losing friends, having to go to jail and losing your home or having to live without a leg!
Of course having an alt can also be useful if you want to go have a wild party at the brothel without ruining your reputation or upsetting your wife….

blutmai arrest

Please remember that most common people  would not own guns, they would use whatever they could find to throw at the police and of course some would use knives.
There are some rather interesting weapons available on marketplace that use animations and can knock your opponent out, like the truncheon the police uses.
And those work even without rezzing permissions which your alt probably won’t have.

People who play gangster, who start shooting like crazy, who ruin roleplay, who use modern or weapons we don’t allow, risk being kicked out of the sim and even (temporarily) banned.
Again; an interesting history based roleplay event is what we have in mind, not a crazy shoot-em-up.

Another tip would be to look for wounded tattoo layers, bloody bandages or other things like that to make yourself look the part when things go wrong.
It adds to the realism and you can’t be sure you like the stuff you can get at our hospital, if there is anything at all.

Join the KPD group to communicate with the other revolutionaries.

We hope to see you here on May 1st as part of the communists, the police, the navy, the army, the medical staff or as a bystander.
Please remember that if you have not been to Berlin before, that we have a strict 1920s dress code.

blutmai officer

The REAL 1929 may riots of 1929

Demonstrations in the open air without special permission have been illegal since 1924 in Germany but this rarely caused any serious problems.
But by 1929 the political tension in Germany had heated up so much that trouble was brewing.
At the end of 1928 Adolf Hitler’s public speech ban was lifted and he had started agitating the situation in the country right away, causing even more street fighting and several deaths.
The Berlin Police President Karl Friedrich Zörgiebel then reinforced the ban on all public open air gatherings of a political nature in Berlin.
When in April 1929 the Communist Party (KPD) started calling workers to come to the May day rally, it was announced that this public gathering ban would also be valid on may the 1st.
The communists were furious and threatened to have their rally anyway.
The police started preparing for riots and street fighting, extra troops were called in. On April the 30th the KPD handed out leaflets claiming the political gathering ban had been lifted, but it was not.

There were also rumours going around the city that the police would look the other way and ignore the marchers, they would not.

On May 1st thousands of Berliners started gathering and went on their way to the center.
For them this May day was more important then usual.
At this time the newspapers were full of the trial around the murder of revolutionary leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in 1919 and it seemed that the murderers would be very mildly punished, people were angry.
They also wanted to celebrate their 10th anniversary of the Komintern.
To add to all this, the government of Germany was led by the Social Democratic Party, a left wing party.

Having a party with who the Communists shared several ideologies but also be their oldest and perhaps biggest opponent, tell the KPD they couldn’t march was like rubbing salt into a wound. And of course the Nazi’s were growing and becoming louder and more aggressive all the time, it sometimes seemed like they were not being stopped by anyone while the Communists were not allowed to do anything.
The communists were furious, the city was tense.

blutmai police

The City Council told people that they were permitted and celebrate May Day but only indoors.
Many people did just that, having huge gatherings in halls and public buildings.
But others did not receive that information or just felt they had to right to march outside.

When the police saw large groups of people marching trough Berlin with red flags and armbands, they took action.
They attacked people with batons, used water cannons and warning shots were fired.
The Social Democrats had followed the outdoor gathering ban and had had their may day meetings indoors but unfortunately they had to go outside to go there and to return home.
After his return home from such a meeting Max Gmeinhardt was shot when he didn’t close his window fast enough when the police ordered him to.
Other groups of innocent bystanders, civilians and Socialists simply going to or returning from permitted gatherings were set upon by the police.
With now also the social democrats, workers and poor people in general becoming furious, the conflict escalated rapidly.
In the afternoon barricades were erected to make it harder for Police cars to reach certain areas.
In the evening the police started using armoured vehicles with machine guns, only meant to be used when the police was fired upon.
Police start shooting at houses with red flags.

On May 2nd the KPD called people to go on strike as a reply to the police violence.
On May 2nd and may 3rd the police combed trough the working class areas, searched houses and arrested countless people.

In total 33 demonstrators, workers and bystanders had been killed by the police, most of those on just the first day and at least 80 were seriously injured. The Berlin police, under control of the supposedly pro-labour social democratic government, had fired a total of 11,000 rounds of live ammunition.
This incident, remembered in the German language as Blutmai (“Blood May”) deepened the split between the SPD and the Communist Party, which indirectly helped the German right wing parties and the eventual rise of the Nazi Party in the German parliament.

blutmai barricade

Stiftung von Weiss Photo Contest


Stiftung von Weiss Photo Contest

Rules for Entry:
Take up to two(2) photographs, in which the subject is Berlin 1920’s in Second LIfe featuring life during Weimarer Republik. There is no registration fee and it is open to all who wish to participate, roleplayers and visitors. Organisation and sponsors can not participate in contest but they’re free to expose their work. The top three photos will win an economical prize. (see below for prize details):


  • 1st prize: 10.000 $L
  • 2nd prize: 5.000 $L.
  • 3rd prize: 2.500 $L

Rules for selection:
Winners will be selected by three judges, selected from among the Stiftung von Weiss and sim management, who will not participate in the contest to help select the best photos from the entries. They will be looking for the top three photos from all the participants. Only one photo from each creator will be eligible to be in the top three, giving everyone two chances to win!

  • 1st. The picture must be entirely original and not a photo of other person’s works (no plagiarism).
  • 2nd. Photographs are to be sent privately and not to be displayed (described, shown, given out) BY THE CREATOR before the contest results are announced. (discovered violations will lead to disqualification)
  • 3rd. Photo has not have to be published before.
  • 3rd. You are on the honor system and expected to act and behave respectfully to everyone involved.

Submission Dates:

  • May 5th to May 28th

Judging will be held from:

  • May 30th to June 2nd,

Photo Exhibition

  • On Berlin Anniversary.

Content Qualifications:
• Photos must feature daily life,

• Photographs will not be accepted after the May 28th at 12:00 PM SLT.

• All entries must be sent t to Charlotte Freiin von Weiss (lotteweiss.resident) inworld or by Facebook on private message (

• Only photos submitted with FULL PERMISSIONS (Copy, Modify, and Transfer) will be considered.

Further rules and exceptions include but are not limited to the following:

All photos submitted to the contest become the property of the Stiftung vo Weiss to be used at their own discretion. Creators and participants of all photographs agree not to claim copyright or creative licenses of any kind of any photos submitted.

Participation in this competition implies acceptance of these rules. Before submitting any questions about the contest, one ought to refer to this rule sheet first.

If a problem arises that is not addressed in this article, it will be brought to the attention of the management and dealt with in a swift and just fashion.

Charlotte Freiin von Weiss
Präsidentin der Stiftung von Weiss für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte